Deep Purple – Nobody’s Perfect Review

Deep Purple - Nobody's Perfect

Deep Purple - Nobody's Perfect

Nobody’s Perfect is a live album from Deep Purple, released in 1988 and featuring the much celebrated MKII line up, in the middle of their successful 1980s reunion.

The album contains a selection of material from their then two most recent albums, The House Of Blue Light and Perfect Strangers in addition to all the old favourites from the 70s like ‘Space Truckin,’ ‘Smoke On The Water,’ and ‘Black Night.’

In terms of performance, the band were really on to something here, Blackmore and Lord add furious extra solos and alternative sections in, Glover and Paice hammer the rhythm home, and give the whole proceedings a different mood than on the 70s live stuff, different but still good and therefor worth an investigative listen at the very least. In addition to the band playing superbly, Ian Gillian’s vocals are on top form indeed, in addition to his sense of humour(between and sometimes during songs, like during ‘Woman From Tokyo,’ for example)

The sound is really clear, fairly punchy and its mixed fairly well. The combination of a good track listing, good sound and good performance is what makes a good live album in my book so I’d definitely recommend this.

There are a hell of a lot of Deep Purple live albums available, but if you liked the band’s work in the 80s, then this live album is a definite must buy… and still very worth a listen even if you don’t.

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